The Konmari Bug: 10 Things I learned from Marie Kondo (Tidying included!)

The Art of Tidying by Marie Kondo. Apparently there are only two types of people in the world right now. Those who have seen it or are planning to do so in near future, Or those who are too busy decluttering their house after binge watching it already. Some blatant, some between the lines, here are 10 unconventional things that I learned from it.

The Audio (Books) Jump

The other day I picked up a book and my husband’s eyes widened in surprise. No more than 3 seconds later my baby raced over with the twinkliest eyes ever, throwing herself on the book in my lap. Tears blurring my vision, I put it back in the shelf.
Here’s a jump that I never ever thought I’d make. Some balm for my aching heart that crazily missed reading books around the clock pre-baby

Life is but a dream, Gently down the stream.

Gently responsive and empathic parenting is the only way we can ensure our children are neither the bullies nor the bullied. Raising a glass to a more compassionate loving space.

5 Tips for Smart Google-ing through Mom Life

Nothing spells chaos like having a baby. Except that baby growing into a toddler. As often as we run to Google everything, here are a few ways we can optimise that frantic attempt. Some method to the madness. Not promising much but only some.